return ret.join('');
function setCarouselContents(){
var paramUser = getParamUser();
var recipe = "3"; //s.getCookieForRecVidABTest();
var paramABTestBucket = getParamABTestBucket(recipe);
var baseurl = "http://md1.washingtonpost.com";//"http://md1.washingtonpost.com"
//The current url
var paramCurrentUrl = "&url=" + encodeURI(TWP.Data.NN.canonicalURL);//we have confirmation this is preferred over 'href'
//test url - we need this especially for recipe 4. Other recipes may work at least partially with prodprev urls
//var paramCurrentUrl = "&url=" + encodeURI("/entertainment/tv/tbss-men-at-work-a-rerun-before-its-even-started/2012/05/23/gJQAcSedkU_story.html");
var rgUrlGetRecommendedVideos = [baseurl, "/search-recommendation/videos.jsonp?callback=?", paramUser, paramABTestBucket, paramCurrentUrl];
var urlGetRecommendedVideos = rgUrlGetRecommendedVideos.join('');
$.getJSON(urlGetRecommendedVideos, function(data) {
if(data == null || data.results == undefined || data.results == null){
//constants - the size of images, count of items per row
var itemsPerRow = 3;
//the following five lines specify the size. Note that only those sizes automatically generated by Methode are supported.
// var photoPathPrefix = "http://img.wpdigital.net/rf/image_172x114";
var photoPathPrefix;
var maxPhotoWidth = 172;
var maxPhotoHeight = 114;
var photoWidth = maxPhotoWidth + "";
var photoHeight = maxPhotoHeight + "";
var maxPhotoHeightpx = maxPhotoHeight + "px";
var minPhotoWidthpx = maxPhotoWidth + "px";
var blankImageUrl = "http://img.wpdigital.net/wp-srv/images/spacer.gif";
var results = data.results;
//we want to only show full rows. It was decided partial rows look like an error.
var countResultsToShow = results.length = maxPhotoWidth && photo.path != undefined && photo.path != null){
photoPath = photo.path;
//construct the div, by concatenating the array
var rgDiv=[''];
arrayOfHtmlDivs[i] = rgDiv.join('');
var rgFinal = new Array();
var iRow = 0;
for(var i=0; i'];
var rowStart = rgRowStart.join('');
for(var j=0; j
"; return ret.join('');
function setCarouselContents(){
var paramUser = getParamUser();
var recipe = "3"; //s.getCookieForRecVidABTest();
var paramABTestBucket = getParamABTestBucket(recipe);
var baseurl = "http://md1.washingtonpost.com";//"http://md1.washingtonpost.com"
//The current url
var paramCurrentUrl = "&url=" + encodeURI(TWP.Data.NN.canonicalURL);//we have confirmation this is preferred over 'href'
//test url - we need this especially for recipe 4. Other recipes may work at least partially with prodprev urls
//var paramCurrentUrl = "&url=" + encodeURI("/entertainment/tv/tbss-men-at-work-a-rerun-before-its-even-started/2012/05/23/gJQAcSedkU_story.html");
var rgUrlGetRecommendedVideos = [baseurl, "/search-recommendation/videos.jsonp?callback=?", paramUser, paramABTestBucket, paramCurrentUrl];
var urlGetRecommendedVideos = rgUrlGetRecommendedVideos.join('');
$.getJSON(urlGetRecommendedVideos, function(data) {
if(data == null || data.results == undefined || data.results == null){
//constants - the size of images, count of items per row
var itemsPerRow = 3;
//the following five lines specify the size. Note that only those sizes automatically generated by Methode are supported.
// var photoPathPrefix = "http://img.wpdigital.net/rf/image_172x114";
var photoPathPrefix;
var maxPhotoWidth = 172;
var maxPhotoHeight = 114;
var photoWidth = maxPhotoWidth + "";
var photoHeight = maxPhotoHeight + "";
var maxPhotoHeightpx = maxPhotoHeight + "px";
var minPhotoWidthpx = maxPhotoWidth + "px";
var blankImageUrl = "http://img.wpdigital.net/wp-srv/images/spacer.gif";
var results = data.results;
//we want to only show full rows. It was decided partial rows look like an error.
var countResultsToShow = results.length = maxPhotoWidth && photo.path != undefined && photo.path != null){
photoPath = photo.path;
//construct the div, by concatenating the array
var rgDiv=[''];
arrayOfHtmlDivs[i] = rgDiv.join('');
var rgFinal = new Array();
var iRow = 0;
for(var i=0; i
var rowStart = rgRowStart.join('');
for(var j=0; j
var jCarousel = $("#recommended-videos-module").after(htmlToSet);
//jCarousel.find('.carousel-control-prev').click(function(){alert("Clicked prev");});
//$(jCarousel).find('.carousel-control-prev').click(function(){alert("Clicked prev2");});
//alert("button prev was clicked");
moveCarousel(findRowContainer(this), -1);
//alert("button next was clicked");
moveCarousel(findRowContainer(this), 1);
function findRowContainer(clicked) {
return $(clicked).parents('.panel.postMost').find('.stories-container');
function findCurrentRow(rowContainer) {
return rowContainer.children('.on').first();
function findIndexLastRow(rowContainer){
var rowCount = rowContainer.children().length;
return rowCount == 0 ? 0 : rowCount - 1;
function moveCarousel(rowContainer, delta) {
//moves the carousel to the next or previous row, depending on delta
// Find current Row
// Figure out which row-to-select
// if the row-to-select != current Row
// disable all buttons
// fade out current row
// make row-to-select the current-row
// fade in row-to-select
// enable buttons based on current-row
//find current row
var curRow = findCurrentRow(rowContainer);
var indexLastRow = findIndexLastRow(rowContainer);
//figure out row to select
var indexCurRow = parseInt(curRow.attr("rel"));
var indexRowToSelect = indexCurRow + delta;
if(indexRowToSelect indexLastRow){
indexRowToSelect = indexLastRow;
//only proceed if there is a possible change
if(indexCurRow != indexRowToSelect) {
//disable all buttons
//fade out current row
curRow.fadeOut(100, function(){
//make row-to-select the current row
//remove class 'on'
//add class 'on'
var rowNext = $(rowContainer.children()[indexRowToSelect]);
//fade in the new row
rowNext.fadeIn(100, function() {
//alert("index row to select=" + indexRowToSelect + ", indexLastRow=" + indexLastRow);
//enable buttons based on current row
var enablePrev = indexRowToSelect != 0;
var enableNext = indexRowToSelect != indexLastRow;
if(enablePrev) {
if(enableNext) {
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